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Bec's Biscuits and Cakes

Traditional Maltese Biscuits
are where Bec’s Biscuits began
Our first ever order was a wedding favour. Made from my Nunna’s special family recipe. I was already thrilled to be baking, but I didn't know how much this booking would mean.
You see my Nunna's sister had passed not long before the wedding, and one of their children was at the wedding. When they found the biscuits and learned the recipe was from the family, they were touched. For them, it was as though their mum was there with them in spirit.
If you’ve never tried them I know you’ll love our range of Maltese Biscuits just as much as our more sugar cookies!
Maltese Bisuits Sydney

“Our Peter Rabbit biscuits were beautiful.
Everybody loved them! Amazing work!”

Our made-to-order process
Step 1
Step 2
Contact us to discuss your order and get a specific quote for your custom sweets.
Step 3
We’ll send you an invoice so that you can pay online.
Step 4
We’ll be in touch to confirm collection times on the day from our private studio in Hassall Grove, Sydney. We are not open to the public.
Ready to order your biscuits?
We can’t wait to hear what you’re celebrating!

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